14. sajandi arheoloogilised köied: konserveerimine ja meetodite analüüs Lootsi 8 vraki leidude näitel

Kaitsja: Maria Pommer
Juhendajad: Dr Riina Rammo
Eelretsensendid: Mag Aive Viljus
Kaitsmise aasta: 2024
Bakalaureusetöö teema on 2022. aastal Tallinnas Lootsi 8 avastatud 14. sajandi laevavraki (Lootsi laev) arheoloogilistelt kaevamistelt pärit köied ja nende konserveerimine. Bakalaureusetöö peamine eesmärk on uurida taimsest kiust arheoloogiliste köite konserveerimisel erinevaid meetodeid ja võrrelda saavutatud tulemusi. See võimaldab Eestis konserveerijatel samalaadse materjali käsitlemisel edaspidi teha teadlikumaid otsuseid. Teema valikul lähtus autor valdkonnast, mis teda kõnetab – arheoloogiliste leidude säilitamine.

A shipwreck was found during the construction of an office building at 8 Lootsi Street (Tallinn) in the Spring of 2022. This ship is dated to the 14th century and it is believed to be the biggest merchandise vessel from that period found in Europe to date. Among other findings such as glass, leather and wood objects, also cordage remains were unearthed on the wreck. The author had an opportunity to participate in the archaeological field work at Lootsi Street and afterwards to continue with the conservation process regarding the organic finds. For a conservator student, it was a valuable lesson to observe how the archaeological objects travel from the site to the work place of a conservator. The wreck and its findings are in the possession of the Estonian Maritime Museum. The primary goal of this Bachelor´s thesis was to preserve the cordage made of plant fibers and to analyse chosen methods in the Estonian context. 

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